EUROJGA General Assembly #
16 December 2023 #
On June 1, 2022, under the patronage of His Excellency the Ambassador of Japan to France and Mr. Jean-Marc Ayrault, former French Prime Minister, the European Japanese Garden Association was established. This project came to life thanks to the commitment of those who wanted to recognize the art of Japanese gardening in Europe and connect interested individuals and partners.
Many academics, association leaders, professionals, communities, institutions, and enthusiasts from Europe and Japan desired a non-commercial association to foster real dynamics and synergy among us.
Since June 2022, our efforts have focused on organizing the association, as detailed in the activity report. We have established contacts with Japanese professional organizations, universities, and government representatives to create lasting relationships.
I believe in the potential of Japanese gardens to enhance both public and private spaces. These gardens not only showcase Japanese culture but also represent a need for unity. The objectives set in June 2022 remain unchanged and reflect the full potential of our future activities.
While it’s challenging to establish shared decision-making processes and working methods across Europe, this difficulty makes our achievements even more significant. Success requires cooperation, sharing, and real action.
Our Japanese partners have encouraged us to quickly organize exchanges to support restoration projects and the creation of Japanese gardens in France, Switzerland, and Italy. For now, these projects are being coordinated at the national association level to address urgent needs. In line with our goals, we plan to establish a European framework for these activities, while allowing national associations freedom of action.
We will propose changes to our internal rules and statutes to better align with our pan-European ambitions and improve our future operations. As a young association, further adjustments will likely be necessary for optimal results.
Not everything can be achieved in a few months; thus, we need to prioritize our activities within a strategic development plan. We must work together in mutual trust, understanding the different administrative approaches in each country. Although I am eager to move forward, I will always ensure we progress together at a pace suitable for all.
Our primary mission remains to unite and act collectively, without partisanship. With hundreds of potential new members, there is significant interest in joining our association, and we must not disappoint them.
I count on your continued and committed support for this important project.
Written November 19, 2023
Jean-Pierre Chavassieux
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